Last night's slugfest came as a fitting end to the Jays' season, mashing a league best 247 HR. Let's not get sad, like I usually do when the last traces of summer give way to change. Let's recap some of the positives from this year:

Ricky Romero is a bonafide stud. Although he posted a 13-9 win-loss record this year, you can see with every start when his stuff and control eluded him, RR Cool Jay (@taoofstieb came up with the name) found that battling instinct that only the rare possess, and still made it deep into games. Romero posted 202 1/3 IP. Remind you of somebody? Maybe somebody we knew before?

Snider IS the fucking future! Cito held him back a shit ton for the past two years, and Sniderman (@drunkjaysfans get the credit) WILL get that chip off his shoulder in the years to follow. He even swatted a homer on Cito's farewell night wearing a fake Cito moustache! You gotta love that kid!

JoBau WILL be back next year! He likes Toronto. The steroids are good here.

V-Dub will also be back next year. He had a decent season, but was behind JoBau's shadow.

Yunel Escobar will be patrolling at short next year. As talented as he is lazy, I can't wait to see what he does in the future.

And don't worry, Brian Tallet will still be around to be our whipping boy as, 'Shitty Jay Of Every Game.' @drunkjaysfans recommended a stint on the DL due to, 'arm shittiness.' Plausible.
If you still need a baseball fix, go and root for this guy.

Halladay is one of our own. He just exudes class and excellence. He is our own modern-day Christy Mathewson. Enjoy the likes of him while you can. I'm rooting for Doc to win the Cy. I even tweeted to that retard @punkondeck that he would. But really, fuck that assblood!
If you can't root for the Doc, root for these:

Remember that "Shitty Blue Jay Of the Week," is still on. I've taken a break, because of all the sex I've been having from my honeymoon, but I'll be back with a vengeance. Next up is Carlos Delgado! Send some hate-mail and erotic stories my way . . .

If you're still facing some heartache, follow these awesome bloggers:
And don't worry, pitchers and catchers report for duty in 4 months! Keep yourself occupied until then!
And if that isn't enough, check out this motherfucker:

If you don't get HBO, email me and I'll forward you a link to some of the episodes!
Click up on that corner, and BUY ME A COFFEE!
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