"PED's, PED's, PED's!"
Every fucking know-it-all hack has been blubbering this shit after every Bautista home run now, which is utter shit and unfounded. It just human nature these days to question and suggest nonsense when somebody is having an unusually good year. Performance-Enhancing Drugs, my ass!
Before Baseball started implementing their drug policy in 2005, the team clubhouse was a totally different culture. There were always unlikely dudes every year since the early 90's having career power numbers.
Enter Greg Myers. The 2003 edition. Another Toronto reclamation project for spare parts. He had been with the Jays for the beginning of his career from '87-'92, and just capping off the end of it with the team he started with. It seemed fitting.
It did seem fitting. Myers, a catcher, was going to platoon with Ken Huckaby and Kevin Cash, the Jays' catchers of the future(HAR-HAR!). What the Jays didn't expect was Myers, on the wrong side of 37 years, slugging his way to our hearts.
He hit .307 with 15 HR, both career achievements, very unusual numbers at his age. His clutch hitting was at its best that year. He just had a swing that was locked in.
Sound familiar?
His playing time was reduced the following year, and got hurt in 2004 sliding into second base. Retired in 2005.
Was Nolan Ryan's final strikeout. Number 5,714.
(I'm not going to suggest or whisper anything about steroids. It was Baseball's responsibility to police themselves when it came to that bullshit. The way they've handled that era, in regards to players' careers and numbers. It's just one BIG FAIL.)
Feel free to comment below, and name some other one-year wonders.
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Next Week: Oh Shit, Shannon Stewart!
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