Okay. This is my first foray into
Virtual DJ. There are some sloppy parts, just because I was drunk in the making of this mix. Hell, I'm drunk right now in the middle of this blog post!
I may have a problem . . .
Space Is Depressing As Hell
short circuit - after burner(intro)
mel c ft. left eye - never be the same again
michael jackson - human nature
anoraak - above your head
m83 - this bright flash
bon iver - babys(second date edit)
college ft. electric youth - a real hero
tegan and sara - alligator(toro y moi remix)
the one am radio - everything falls apart
lali puna - our inventions
young empires - enter through the sun(slow waves remix)
short circuit - after burner
teen daze - brooklyn sunburn
annie - anthonio(fred falke remix)
college ft. electric youth - she never came back
Download link
- I can't get over the synth-y-ness of College. It really takes me back to the 80's, when the only people that were doing it with ease in movie soundtracks only had first names like Jan, and last names like, Hammer. I've downloaded both College albums and they don't compare at all with their collaborations with Electric Youth.
- That Bon Iver track is beautiful. If it doesn't make you cry, then you have no soul. I didn't cry at the end of
The Notebook, so what does THAT say about me?
- There is a loose theme to this. The space motifs, the astro-cosmonaut covers, and the odd titles complete the triumvirate. No more space themes, I promise! Did I ever mention that when I was young, I wanted so badly to be a space explorer? Must've been all of that giant robot anime that I grew up with.
- I still have that 2011 Jays Recap post that needs to be finished. Maybe it'll be done before the 2012 season starts. But maybe not. Do you think all of this scotch at my house is going to drink itself? My Netflix queue ain't gonna wait for me, either. So maybe I'll see you at the end of 2012, and blog about 2 seasons in one post!
- The main theme of this mix is that I'm depressed. Winter is brutal and I can't handle it. I made up a plan this year to combat it with a SADD light, a better diet, and a workout routine. Frankly, all I've been doing this winter is eating crap, drinking copious amounts of alcohol every night, and being miserable. I don't think I've even taken the SADD light out of the box! I really can't wait until summer!