Green one?

Or Red?
Only you, dear readers, will choose.
i can feel a hot one
01 the ashton shuffle - your love (GRUM remix)
02 the naked and famous - punching in a dream
03 robyn - dancing on my own
04 the new pornographers - sing me spanish techno
05 asobi seksu - perfectly crystal
06 the pains of being pure at heart - heaven's gonna happen now
07 manchester orchestra - i can feel a hot one
08 peaches - boys wanna be her
09 sicko - little star
10 owen pallett - scandal at the parkade
11 freelance whales - hannah (ra ra riot remix)
12 kriss kross - jump
13 calvin harris - awooga
14 holy ghost - wait and see (CFCF remix)
15 MSTRKRFT - beards again
16 kenneth bager - i can't wait (alex metric's back to '99 remix)
17 poka - believe
18 passion pit - eyes as candles
19 the strokes - i'll try anything once
download link here

- My friend Derrick from work always talked about his dreams of a punch-up with Mike Tyson. Too bad he often woke up next to a crying wife. The Naked and Famous song sounds quite fitting. Here's to domestic violence! Hurrah!
- My world is currently caught up in mixtape podcasts from GRUM and Human Life at a site called http://www.datatransmission.co.uk/. You can find the GRUM podcast here, and the HL one here. GRUM put on a mash-up of Chelley's "Took the Night," vs. Hall and Oates' "Out Of Touch," and it totally knocks my socks off! From beginning to end, I can't stop listening to it.
- The Kenneth Bager to Poka transtition was totally intentional. Human Life put it together in one of their mixes and they worked seamlessly. I just downloaded a copy of this program called Virtual DJ, and put these two songs together at first try. To quote a term from my Industrial Engineering course, it's "poka-yoke," or Japanese for "mistake-proof." Notice the "Poka," reference. Try the program out yourself. It's another time waster. Like this blog.

- Asobi Seksu means "sporty sex," in Japanese.
- Nothing really groundbreaking here, just stuff I wanted to put on a mix for awhile. The Peaches, New Pornographers, and Sicko have some age to them. I missed the bus on Kriss Kross, so I decided to put them on, too(see what I did there?)
- The title is from the Manchester Orchestra song. The line, "And the Lord showed me dreams of my daughter/She was crying inside your stomach," is beautiful and moving. Totally unrelated to anything in this mix. But hell.
- Don't think that I'm not watching baseball at all around this time of year. That's pretty much all I'm doing. The Jays are good to watch, scrapping for runs and making the opposition, whichever one, look like a bunch of goofs that can't throw or catch the fucking ball. Good stuff to watch, and I hope they sustain that kind of play for the rest of the season.